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The Santa Barbara Wine Extravaganza!

The Market at Malcolm Yards 501 30th Ave E, Minneapolis, MN

Twin Cities Wine Education presents a premier evening of access to the best wines of Santa Barbara County available to Minneapolis and St. Paul wine lovers! The Santa Barbara Wine Extravaganza will feature the best small-production wineries from the beautiful wine region of Santa Barbara. Over 35 great wines will be available for your enjoyment,…


Into to The Wines of Italy

The Market at Malcolm Yards 501 30th Ave E, Minneapolis, MN

TWIN CITIES WINE EDUCATION presents a comprehensive introduction to the wines of Italy! Ah, Italy! One of the top travel destinations, some of the best food in the world, and a leader when it comes to wine. Italy is also a leader in wine confusion. Trust us, no country is more challenging for a wine…

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